Dell Computer

A lot have a notion that to open an effort is required very creative idea and innovative. That thing not applicable for Michael Dell, he opens an effort with simple idea that is sell computer is not to comission agent but sell direct to consumer. Crosscut He band to medium, so PC price is referred [as] can be depressed. Micahel Dell launch outs with capital $1.000 and conduct marketing passes “Mail Order” during 16 year level sales from $6.000.000 become $36,9 billion-dollar.

Dell Computer opens office of branch around the world with employees reach 40.000 people. Nevertheless journey Dell Computer not smoothly. In 1993, Compaq which is on at that time as market leader of PC sale, conduct price cutting to compete with Dell. The result unprofitable Dell Computer $65.000.000 at 6 causative first months can be go broke. Finally Dell make a changes very basic in course of its business so-called engineering repeats in its business by defin E-commerce. Dell starts by rely on speed. At tahun1999, PC order from Dell today, tomorrow has been delivered. Whereas for complicated system delivered at longest 5 day. Other innovations is computer raft after there is order. Dell uses approach mass customization that is production in gross, so it's can lessen unit product cost.

Dell put downs component warehouse that managed by laid at supliernya 15 minute from its factory and transportation is arranged with e-mail and made quickly. Dell provides very fast service by undertaking communication passes e-mail and web site. PC from Dell in tes at the same time with network experiment and cooperation with other supplier so it's can lessen period tes from 60-90 day become 15 day. Employees Dell monitors productivity and return to the invesment (ROI) chronically.

Dell has introduced E-commerce in its business. A large part of customers conduct transaction passes its e-commerce. Customer also can access computer diagram in detail and get price information troubleshooting. By using pricing and product configuraton online, then can economize job until Dell can reduce cost administrative.

In 1999 share Dell go ups 2000 percents in a two year. Dell can vie with company world like IBM, Compac, HP and Bell-Nec. Even market compartment and keunautngannya increasingly and finally become biggest PC seller in the world. Success Story Dell is story difficult sukse is trusted, but reality and from simple idea.

Article by Icha

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